Verlagsprogramm / Schulpädagogik / Lehrer:innenbildung
Baiba Martinsone / Maria Therese Jensen / Christian Wiesner / Kerstin Angelika Zechner (Hrsg.)

Teachers' professional wellbeing

A Digital Game Based Social-Emotional Learning Intervention

Teachers worldwide experience significant stress and burnout, impacting their health and the education systems. Recognizing the importance of social, prosocial, and emotional skills in education adds to this complexity.
The European Policy Experimentation Project Teaching to Be (2021-2024) in Austria, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain, aimed to improve teacher wellbeing through innovative professional development. A digital game-based Online Wellbeing Course and a Teacher's Handbook were developed in the project to enhance various aspects of teachers' professional wellbeing and organizational health. Using a mixed-methods research approach, it evaluated digital interventions on wellbeing, leading to tailored policy recommendations for enhancing teacher professional development and mental health.
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2024. 184 Seiten, kartoniert
ISBN 978-3-7815-2636-5
24,90 EUR
Dieses Buch ist als eBook erhältlich:
ISBN 978-3-7815-6091-8
0,00 EUR

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This research was conducted within the EU-funded Erasmus+ KA3 research project “Teaching to Be: Supporting Teachers Professional Growth and Wellbeing in the Field of Social and Emotional Learning”
(No. 626155-EPP-1-2022-2-LT-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY).

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